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Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020
Axa prioritară 3: Locuri de muncă pentru toți, Obiectivul tematic 8: Promovarea unor locuri de muncă durabile și de calitate și sprijinirea mobilității lucrătorilor, Prioritatea de investiții 8.iii: Activități independente, antreprenoriat și înființare de întreprinderi, inclusiv a unor microîntreprinderi și a unor întreprinderi mici și mijlocii inovatoare, Obiectivul specific 3.7: Creșterea ocupării prin susținerea întreprinderilor cu profil non agricol din zona urbana,
Titlu proiect: Vreau sa fiu antreprenor! POCU/82/3/7/106972
Parteneri: Asociația Exino (Lider), Resources Development & Ideas, Asociația Întreprinderilor Mici și Mijlocii Covasna
Obiectivul principal al Apart Admin SRL este de a oferi clienților experiențe memorabile, asigurând cele mai înalte standarde de confort, curățenie și promptitudine, în momentul în care aceștia aleg facilitățile de cazare administrate de noi.
Pentru informații detaliate despre celelate programe cofinanțate de Uniunea Europeană, vă invităm să vizitați www.fonduri-ue.ro.

Apart Admin

We offer a full range of services for short term rental owners


Getting you started

We will set up your properties on the main short term rental websites (such as Airbnb and Booking). This includes creating the listing, writing the full description and synchronizing your calendar of availability between the different platforms. On top of that we’ll create your personal account on our dedicated platform that will allow you to track your rental’s performance (occupation, revenues, etc.) in real time.


Professional pictures

Most guests will make the decision to rent a short term rental primarily based on its pictures. They are also the first thing that potential guests will see before they even read your description or reviews. So having professional pictures is a must!
We will arrange a photoshoot with a professional photographer and make sure that your listing looks at its best!


Price optimisation

Setting the right prices is critical if you want to maximise your profits. We will take care of adjusting your prices throughout the year, based on your rate of occupation and the level of demand in Sibiu (low season, high season, holidays, festivals, etc.).


Guest communication

From the moment they book, until they leave, we keep in touch with your guest to answer all their questions and make sure they make the most out of their stay. Expect your guests to be happy…very happy!


Welcoming your guests

Making a good first impression with guests is essential and this is why we attach great importance to welcoming each guest personally upon arrival, giving them a quick tour of the apartment and some orientation around your neighbourhood, with our personal recommendations based on their interests (sightseeing, cultural activities, food, shopping, etc.). We will also create a customized brochure for your apartment where your guests will find all useful information about Sibiu.
We will also install a self check-in key box, for guests who arrive late or those who don’t know their time of arrival.


Guided Check-out

At the end of their stay, we will help your guests throughout the check-out process and arrange for the preparation of the apartment for your next visitors.


Professional housekeeping

Our team of professional housekeepers will ensure that your apartment is always spotless and ready for your upcoming guests.


Amenities restocking

We always make sure that your guests have all amenities they need to fully enjoy their stay. This includes bathroom amenities (hand soap, shower gel, shampoo) and kitchen amenities (oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, etc.).


Bed sheets and towels

After each guest departure, we will collect the used bed sheets and towels and replace them with clean ones. Our laundry service uses professional washing machines and washing products, to guarantee that your bed sheets and towels always have a crisp fresh feeling, up to the highest hotel standards.


Property maintenance

Because a broken AC or a leaking shower could ruin a guest’s stay, we always remain available to respond to maintenance emergencies and send in one of our specialists to fix the problem.

Are you interested?

Feel free to contact us on our email address (sibiulotusapartments@gmail.com) and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

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SC Apart Admin SRL

CUI: 41275068

Str. Regele Ferdinand 4, Sibiu

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